
| What Are They?

Hemorrhoid disease is very common.  Hemorrhoids are normal blood vessels in the anal canal. Hemorrhoids become swollen from the pressure of straining, which then results in symptoms. There are 3 types of hemorrhoids based on where they are located in the anal canal:

  • External hemorrhoids - start from the outside, therefore are more visible.

  • Internal hemorrhoids - start from the inside and can be seen using a small scope.

  • Mixed hemorrhoids - a combination of internal and external hemorrhoids.

| Grading of hemorrhoids (internal only)

  • Grade I - swollen blood vessels which bleed, they do not come outside and are seen with a scope.

  • Grade II - the hemorrhoid pops out when having a BM but goes back in on its own.

  • Grade III - the hemorrhoid pops out when having a BM but needs to be pushed back inside.

  • Grade IV - the hemorrhoid cannot be pushed back in, or it does not stays inside.

  • Thrombosed hemorrhoid - there is a clot underneath the skin as the blood vessel has popped within the hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoid is most likely external but in severe cases, both internal and external may be affected.

Are Hemorrhoids Driving You Crazy?